Thursday, February 21, 2019
By Solas&Kin Photography
Some of you are old enough to remember your grandma baking the most beautiful pies from scratch. Grandpa cutting wood around the property, and neatly stacking it for winter. Dad teaching you how to call in a buck for some fresh venison, and mom teaching you how to take the venison and make it in to jerky. Some may even recall aunts, uncles and cousins around a roaring campfire, taking turns singing, telling stories, or playing cards.
Although times have changed for most of us, and common goods like jerky, vegetables and syrup can be easily purchased at the store, and most fireplaces are lit with the flip of a switch. There are a few that still love to live their lives, Modernly Old Fashioned.
That is Melissa Schanke, the down to earth, old soul, blogger of Modernly Old Fashioned.
She began her blogging career in 2016, dabbling in the idea of teaching others all about the homesteading life. In the past year, as her little ones have gotten older, Melissa has thrown herself fully in to a homesteader's lifestyle, which more recently included purchasing her own cow to be hand milked. Her blog has quickly grown to nearly 700 followers, who seek the simplicity of days gone by, yet the enjoyment of growing, harvesting, canning and preparing one's very own food.
Homesteading is about self reliance. It is about waking up every day and knowing that your animals rely on you and only you... and so does your family!
Now, let's be real. We do live in 2019. Everything is massively convenient, and we can drive our car as long or short of a distance as we want. Our kids go to wonderful schools, in which a bus picks them up, and drops them off, and they don't have to worry about walking 3 miles to and from, uphill, both ways.
Hence the name "Modernly Old Fashioned".
While Melissa maintains the strategy of the old ways, she also incorporates very few things that can make the entire process a bit more simple.
Along with Melissa, Her husband Mike and their three children, Eli, William and Loretta have also adopted the homestead ways. Mike and Melissa pride themselves on raising their kids to be self sufficient, and appreciating the farm. From milking the cow, to feeding the chickens, these three littles did chores with excitement, and not a single complaint... other than Loretta and her cold little hands!
Melissa is passionate about teaching others this lifestyle. One that has been engrained in her since she was a child, by her grandparents and parents.
Being a farm connected business ourselves, and having such respect for the people in this world that produce all of our food, we thought we would team up with Melissa and her family to educate more people about the homestead ways! Below, check out the images from our time spent with Modernly Old Fashioned's Melissa Schanke, and then head over to or find her on Facebook at Modernly Old Fashioned Blog, to learn more!