Posts with tag: "Wisconsin Dells Photographer"
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
By Katherine Seiler
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One Hundred and fifty-five years ago, the first widely photographed war began. This war was known as "The Boy's War" or more commonly, The American Civil War. 

It is estimated that 20% of all Civil War soldiers, were younger than 18 years old. Because of their young age and size, most were given uniforms too large for them.  Edward Black, eight years old, and Johnny Clem, age eleven, were prime examples.

Although these images do not specifically tell the story of Edward or Johnny Clem, "The Drummer Boy of Chickamauga",  they do tell the story of all the young boys, North and South, who took up arms during the Civil War. 

As casualties climbed during the Civil War, more soldiers were needed. Recruiters often turned the other way and allow children younger than 18 to enlist.  They became musicians, drummer boys, messangers, nurses or the like, but the time would come where most of these young boys, far from home, would need to fight for their lives. 


Imagine being eleven years old, again. 

Far from home. 

Far from everyone you love. 

Tired, hungry, cold or intolerably hot. 

The noise all around you. Cannon's firing and the smell of gun powder filling the air. 
Men shouting, some dying, but, you need to keep rattling your drum.

Imagine the fear that would come over you, the strength being mustered to hold your tears back.

You want to run,  but you can't. You are frozen in place.

And then, the moment comes. 

At age eleven, you need to make a decision.

Life or death. 

Visions of your family flood your mind. The laughter of your little siblings in the open field as you play in the fresh air that has a distinct smell of wild flowers and fresh cut hay. The sound of your father chopping wood for the warm fire. The smell of your mother's fresh baked bread. The birds singing their lullaby, and the touch of your mother's gentle kiss on your forehead as she tucks you in for the night.  

But you aren't there anymore.

The screams grow loader, the smell of gun powder and blood, stronger. Tears roll down your face. 

Placing your drum down, you grab a riffle from the hands of a dying soldier near you, and say a prayer. 

This is our American History. These are the images of innocence lost. 


Photography: Katherine Seiler, O'Seiler Photography
Makeup: Katherine Seiler
Costume: Katherine Seiler
Model: C.S.  
O'Seiler Photography

For more information in the Civil War please visit 




Thursday, April 30, 2015
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Some day, it will end.

Dirty hands, sniffling noses, they will stop bringing me dandelion bouquets. 


As I stood at the sink, monotonously scrubbing the pots and pans, I could hear them,

"Mommy come here, I want to show you something!!"

"Yes, Okay, I'll be right there..." I reply, half heartedly as the list of things I need to get done ramble through my mind. I hear them again, "Mommy, COME!!!" I sigh, dry my hands, stressed, and just wanting to get the dishes done so I can move on to the next task of the day. 

I walk outside... without haste.  There they are, and it hits me how wrong my priorities were.

Two blonde, blue eyed little boys, with dirt all over their little hands, picking dandelions.  


The scene is beautiful. My heart stops, and I am immediatly glad that I pulled myself from the dishes and thoughts of what needs to be done, because, what I really needed, was to recognize the beauty God has blessed me with. These boys, and the little yellow "flowers" they were picking, just for me.  

These days will go by so quickly. These moments, never to return.

Far too often have I ended a day in a heap of exhaustion, not taking into account all that is around me. I simply made it through the day without taking a breath for my family. A breath for myself. A breath for God. 

Ambition is in my blood. I love to work, I love to be busy and I love to be the best at everything I do. I have to be the best. There isn't an option. Although this might seem a great character trait in a job interview, it can also be a curse, in family life, which can cloud the mind. 

All my life, I've put myself to the test and overcame many obsticals, always coming out stronger. Then I began my business.

I can be a mother of three, operate a business, be the best friend a friend could be to my girlfriends, a present family member, help my husband whenever he needs me to run for parts for the family farm, be the best wife I can be to my husband,  make sure everyone is fed healthy meals... the list can go on and on.  But I am human, and I have come to face that fact. I was truly hoping my super powers would eventually kick in, but the clock is ticking and I still don't have a cape! 

That moment, with the little yellow flowers that we call "weeds", and the little hands that picked them out of love for me, reinforced the idea that I need to take a step back, and refocus on all the things I love and prioritize a little better while I still can. 


A couple weeks ago, I posted my new career path on my personal page. This is the new path of O'Seiler Photography until our little ones are in school full time. Thank you again for all your support and viewing my work! I wish you many days of Dandelion Bouquets!  



I love what I do and I feel incredibly blessed to have been working with so many amazing families. I can't call photography my "job" because it isn't. It's what I love!

But there are four people in my life who I love even more... and I will admit that this past summer, fall and winter, I didn't quite make them a priority. 
For that reason, Todd and I have decided, that starting this summer, I will start to phase out of family, newborn and maternity photography until the kids are in school full time. My main focus in photography will be weddings/ engagements, seniors, and stylized sessions. Narrowing down the wide range of photography will provide more time for me to dedicate to each individual client without compromising the quality of my work or time with my family. My priority in business is to provide my clients with 110% dedication & creativity to them while creating, shooting, and processing the final product for them to keep memories for a life time. 
My priority in life, is my family. In order to give all that I can to both, I need to know my limits.

I want to thank everyone so much for all the time we have spent together, creating memories and laughing. Until the kids are in school full time, I will still be offering family mini sessions once a year so I can still keep in contact with my clients.

I truly appreciate all of you so much and I thank you for understanding family life.

O'Seiler Photography is still very much alive and well, just moving on a different course for a short while!!!

Thanks again!




Wednesday, April 15, 2015
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This family is down to the roots sweet!

They recently moved here from Nebraska, and I couldn't be happier that they are now residents of the state of Wisconsin! 
We lucked out on a beautiful, sunny and warm day after many days of thunderstorms.

Jenna and David's son, Tydeus, turned ONE this april and holy blue eyes, this kid is as cute as a button! 
Here are some photos from their session!